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Switch 2 Will Be Officially Announced Within Fiscal Year, Nintendo Says – Video

 Switch 2 Will Be Officially Announced Within Fiscal Year, Nintendo Says – Video

Switch 2 Will Be Officially Announced Within Fiscal Year, Nintendo Says

Speaker 1: Surprise. Nintendo just announced that there is going to be new switch hardware within the next year. What exactly does that mean? Well, your guess is as good as mine in some ways because Nintendo is very surprising. They just put out this news all the time. Now, this was in relation to investor questions, but we’ve been expecting a new switch to for a while. The original switch came out all the way back in 2017. That’s a long time, and Nintendo does say that it wants to get a new switch in not just one person’s hands, but [00:00:30] every person’s hands, so not just one per home, but multiple ones per home. If you look at my home, we’re already kind of like that, but that suggests that the next switch is going to be backwards compatible with the existing switches. It kind of needs to be because you got to expect that that next switch is going to be more expensive.

Speaker 1: The other thing that reports are indicating already is that that new switch will have better graphics, hardware, nicer screen, and maybe some upgraded JoyCon controllers. Hopefully ones that will last better, but also feel more like the controllers that you have on an Xbox [00:01:00] or even a Steam deck or a PlayStation, analog triggers, stuff like that. There are all sorts of games like Elden Ring that don’t run on the current switch, so there’s a whole bunch of games you could tap into, and Nintendo would already have a lot of available content and maybe upgrade to that switch. I would imagine that they’re going to keep that template pretty clear. The original switch was announced in the fall of 2016. Then they had demos in the January of 2017, and then in spring it came out. I imagine maybe a similar timeframe may [00:01:30] be in play here.

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