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BLUETTI AC500 Award Winning Home Power Backup Is Finally Available On Official Store & Amazon

 BLUETTI AC500 Award Winning Home Power Backup Is Finally Available On Official Store & Amazon

system power
The wait is finally over! BLUETTI AC500, the award-winning home power backup, is now available on the BLUETTI official store and Amazon, giving users the ability to easily and securely store their renewable energy from solar, wind, and hydro power.

The versatile, reliable solution is the ideal backup for anyone looking for an easy-to-use solution for their renewable home energy system. It provides advanced monitoring, a powerful inverter system, and a secure, off-grid solution that customers can trust. With the AC500, users can save money on electricity bills, while protecting their home against any utility or grid outages.

The AC500’s advanced inverter system is powered by a 2.5-hour lithium-ion battery and can deliver up to 500va/400W of power (the equivalent of 1.14 Kwh, which is enough to power four coffee makers, a fridge, washing machine, and more all at the same time). It can be configured with a 12V, 24V, or 48V charge controller, which means it can be used for both small and large-scale renewable energy systems.

The AC500 also comes with a highly advanced monitoring and notification system that can alert users to potential issues and provide detailed information about their energy usage. With this system, users can easily monitor their power usage and keep track of their bills, while also taking advantage of remote control. The AC500 also comes with a user-friendly mobile app that makes it easy to monitor and control the system.

Overall, the BLUETTI AC500 is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a reliable, secure, and easy-to-use power backup system. With advanced features, a powerful inverter, and a secure monitoring system, the AC500 makes home energy storage simple and affordable. So if you’re looking for an affordable and reliable power backup solution, the BLUETTI AC500 is the perfect choice.

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