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Elden Ring Steam Store Page Update Hints At New Unannounced Content

 Elden Ring Steam Store Page Update Hints At New Unannounced Content

content store
The Steam store page for the upcoming game, Elden Ring, was recently updated to include new information about the game’s contents. While the details don’t reveal any big surprises, the update may hint at some unannounced content that could be revealed at a later date.

At first glance, the listing on the Steam store page looks to be the same as it has been since the game was announced. It includes a brief overview of the game, as well as some screenshots and a video clip. Nothing has been changed on this front.

However, there has been an interesting addition to the page in the form of a description of the game’s “Content Packages”. This includes a number of small bits and pieces, such as humorous postcards, stickers, and other goodies, that claim to offer “A Collection of Legacy Items from A Look Back in Time at the Creation of the Game”.

This could indicate that the developers at FromSoftware and Namco Bandai have something extra planned for Elden Ring beyond what has already been shown. As we know, downloadable content (DLC) is a common practice for game developers these days, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if the team had something up their sleeve.

As of right now, there is no concrete evidence to suggest any extra content is in the works. However, the Steam store page update is the first hint that something may be up. It is possible that the developers are planning to unlock some secret content at a later date, and the Content Packages could be our first hint of this.

Time will tell whether or not this speculation proves to be true. Until then, we can only speculate and keep an eye on the Steam store page for any further updates. One thing’s for certain: Elden Ring is shaping up to be one of the most exciting games of the year, and any new content would only add to the anticipation.

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