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Mass Effect Lead Writer Mac Walters Leaves BioWare

 Mass Effect Lead Writer Mac Walters Leaves BioWare

BioWare Effect
Longtime BioWare games writer Mac Walters, best known for his work as the Lead Writer on Mass Effect 2, has announced that he is leaving the studio. Walters spent 13 years at BioWare working on numerous iconic video game franchises such as Baldur’s Gate, Dragon Age, and the Mass Effect trilogy before departing the studio on May 21st, 2021.

Walters began his career in game development in 1998 and worked in various roles before joining BioWare in 2007. His first project was writing scenarios and dialogue for Dragon Age: Origins. He was later promoted to Lead Writer on Mass Effect 2, which is widely considered the high point of the Mass Effect trilogy. Walters then served as Creative Director on Mass Effect 3 and continued in that role for Mass Effect: Andromeda. He also provided story consultation for Anthem and other franchises during his 13-year tenure.

Walters’ departure comes at a time when BioWare is facing a series of challenges. The studio has been criticized in recent years for its handling of Mass Effect: Andromeda and Anthem, both of which have failed to meet the studio’s expectations. Additionally, BioWare has experienced significant staff turnover in 2021. Veterans like Casey Hudson (Studio Director), James Ohlen (Creative Director), and David Falkner (Lead Writer) have all left the studio.

Despite the challenges, Walters expressed optimism in his departing message: “I’m confident that BioWare is in good hands with the amazing team of creators, storytellers, and game makers who continue to push the boundaries of player experiences. BioWare will always have a special place in my heart, and I wish everyone there the best in their future endeavours.”

Walters has yet to announce what his next move will be, but fans of his work can be certain that he will continue to make a lasting impact on the games industry. Whether he moves on to a new studio or pursues an independent path, he has left an indelible mark on BioWare and the franchises he was a part of.

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