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Brave Search engine gets the ability to find videos and images

 Brave Search engine gets the ability to find videos and images

Brave Search engine gets the ability to find videos and images

Brave is a privacy-focused browser which diversified into a search engine as well. Till now, users who went to Brave Search couldn’t look for images and videos without being redirected to Bing Search or Google Search. Now, the company has announced that its search engine is capable of finding videos and images.

“Users will no longer need to leave Brave Search for image and video search results. Now any Brave Search query can be served directly from Brave’s own index, enabling users to benefit from a fully independent search engine that protects their privacy and is censorship-resistant,” the company said in a blog post.

Why Brave didn’t have the option earlier

In the blog post, the company also explained why it delayed rolling out video and image search capabilities. “This was a temporary decision to help users find results with minimum hassle, while we worked to offer a sustainable, privacy-preserving, and independent image and video search option,” noted the blog post. The company also said that it realised the redirect option was not popular with some of its users, and thanked them for their patience during this transition. Brave Search is 100% private and anonymous, which sets a high bar for image/video search to meet, the company added.

Being an independent company, Brave’s biggest USP is privacy. “Whether it’s a matter of personal safety or personal preference, users should be able to discover content without their search engine reporting and profiling those results to a Big Tech company,” the company further said.

The company also said that it is now able to provide a more comprehensive search engine while protecting user privacy. “With the ability to search for crucial vertical categories such as images and videos directly within Brave, users can now access even more content than before. Additionally, by keeping all searches within the Brave ecosystem, users benefit from increased speed and privacy when compared with the multiple search engines that rely on third-party providers,” noted the blog post.


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