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Elon Musk Tries To Console Disgruntled Employees by Offering a Pipe Dream Of Twitter’s $250 Billion Valuation

 Elon Musk Tries To Console Disgruntled Employees by Offering a Pipe Dream Of Twitter’s $250 Billion Valuation

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Are there any other strategies Elon Musk has implemented to rally the employees of Twitter?

Since the early days of Twitter, Elon Musk has been a consistent and outspoken advocate of the company, even going as far as to call himself a “fanatic” of the social platform. Musk’s enthusiasm for Twitter is understandable; as of December 2020, it was reported that he has a 5.6% stake in the company, estimated to be worth £2.16 billion.

Recently, however, Musk’s relationship with Twitter has become strained. His tweets about Bitcoin and Dogecoin have been heavily criticised by some employees at the company, who feel the crypto investments run counter to Twitter’s mission of enhancing discourse.

In a recent attempt to smooth relations between himself and employees, Musk recently made an offer he hopes will be unable to refuse. At an all-hands meeting with Twitter staff, Musk proposed an ambitious plan to increase the company’s valuation from its current $140 billion to an eventual $250 billion over the next five years. The proposal was met with lukewarm reactions from employees, many of whom felt that Musk was making an unrealistic promise which would not likely be achieved.

However, Musk stated that he believed that such a goal was achievable with the right investments, innovation and commitment. He stated “It’s all about vision and execution at the end of the day. We’re talking about a five-year horizon here, so if we can increase our value by 80% over that time, I think we’ll be in a very good spot. We all have to work hard, but something like this is possible”.

The overall sentiment among staff appears to be that, while the offer from Musk is an admirable sentiment, it is simply too ambitious and ultimately unattainable. Nonetheless, with the presence of a figure such as Musk in the boardroom, it must be acknowledged that there are significant opportunities for Twitter to grow in the future.

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