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Samsung Has Assembled A Team To Develop Custom CPU Cores To Take On Apple And Eventually Qualcomm, But The First Design Still A Few Years Away

 Samsung Has Assembled A Team To Develop Custom CPU Cores To Take On Apple And Eventually Qualcomm, But The First Design Still A Few Years Away

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5) How much investment has been sunk into the development of the custom CPU core?

In an effort to take on Apple and eventually Qualcomm, Samsung has assembled a team of engineers to develop custom CPU cores for its mobile processors. This initiative indicates that Samsung is already looking for ways to gain a competitive edge in the chipmaking industry.

The development team is made up of engineers from Samsung’s in-house semiconductor division and is working on the project with help from the research and development division of Samsung’s device division. The teams are focused on creating a custom CPU core to support Samsung’s lineup of processors, which includes the Exynos, Snapdragon, and POWER platforms.

The first chips that this team is likely to design are ARM-based to power mobile devices. The team is still in the very early stages of development, so it will be a few years before Samsung’s first custom core is ready to be used in a consumer device.

The big question is, why is Samsung taking this approach? The answer is simple: competition. Apple already designs its own CPU cores for its mobile devices, and Qualcomm is on its way to creating custom ARM cores for its Snapdragon lineup. It’s clear that Samsung wants to be able to compete in this space, and custom CPU cores are the way to do it.

The company is also trying to optimize its designs to take advantage of the increased performance and efficiency that comes with custom cores. This could lead to faster processors for Samsung’s mobile devices, giving it an advantage in the market.

At the moment, it’s unclear what the timeline is for Samsung’s custom CPU core development. But it is clear that the company is taking an ambitious approach and that the development of first-party ARM cores could give Samsung the jump needed to stay ahead of the competition. We’ll have to wait and see what comes of this in the years to come.

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