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Elon Musk Regrets Selling Tesla Shares For Buying Twitter & Still Can’t Believe It

 Elon Musk Regrets Selling Tesla Shares For Buying Twitter & Still Can’t Believe It

Twitter decision
Elon Musk is a globally-renowned business magnate and inventor, and he is the founder of several innovative companies such as Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity. Although Elon has achieved tremendous success, it seems that he is still living with some regrets.

Recently, Elon revealed that he has been feeling regretful for selling off some of Tesla’s shares to buy Twitter in 2009. That decision cost Elon an estimated $150 million and he admitted that he can still not believe the fact that he had made such an impulsive and foolish decision.

Musk said that the reason he made the purchase was that he found Twitter interesting and thought it might have some potential, but it turned out that it did not quite pan out. He began using Twitter shortly after he bought it and was surprised by the number of followers he got. He was even more amazed by the platform’s growth potential, but he had already sold Tesla’s stocks and was unable to benefit from its success.

Elon Musk also said that he regrets not having more patience. He further stated that he thought that it would take several years for Twitter to gain momentum and he might have been able to capitalize on its growth had he waited a little longer and been more patient.

It is clear that Elon Musk has certainly not forgotten his impulsive decision, and he is still regretting it. Nevertheless, he has certainly come a long way since then and has achieved some remarkable success. So, despite his occasional regrets, Elon Musk has certainly made some bold decisions in his life and has become one of the most influential people in the world.

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