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It Began When Elon Musk Reportedly Parked His Tesla in the Wrong Spot…

 It Began When Elon Musk Reportedly Parked His Tesla in the Wrong Spot…

incident newspaper
The Tesla dispute that has been making headlines began when Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, reportedly drove a Tesla Model X into a reserved parking spot at the headquarters of the Los Angeles Times on Thursday. Employees at the newspaper took notice and posted an image of the Tesla to Twitter, which started a Twitter beef between the newspaper and Musk.

The incident quickly snowballed into a dispute between the newspaper and Musk. According to several reports, when approached by the Times’ security team, Musk replied that he “was there to see someone.” The security guards then asked for his name and tried to escort him out of the building, but Musk refused and the conversation escalated.

Both parties involved then took to social media, with the newspaper reporting the incident on their Twitter page, and Musk indicating on Twitter that the newspaper had “harassed” him and his team, adding gas to the fire. The Times stood their ground as well, as they disputed Musk’s claims that he had been “harassed” by their security team, noting that their security protocols are to investigate any vehicles entering their premises and that this was an “uncharacteristically aggressive situation.”

The issue was brought to a close when Musk acknowledged that he had indeed parked in the wrong spot, tweeting “I should have asked if it was ok.” Musk later took to Twitter again, apologizing and stating that the incident was a “lesson learned.”

Elon Musk has been a controversial figure in the news lately and this incident has only served to heighten the tension. It is highly unusual for a figure of Musk’s stature to engage in such a public dispute, and the fact that it culminated in Musk apologizing is an indication that he is not above the rules.

The incident serves as a reminder that, regardless of one’s social status or wealth, courtesy and respect should always be shown in any interaction. It also serves as a lesson that any argument can be resolved without raising voices or taking to social media.

In the end, the incident is a lesson for us all — whether in business or in life, acknowledgement and respect for the rules can go a long way.

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