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Why Did The iPhone 14 Plus End Up Being A Failure? [Poll]

 Why Did The iPhone 14 Plus End Up Being A Failure? [Poll]

Apple iPhone
The iPhone 14 Plus has become the latest dud in the Apple lineup, and has been met with a resounding thud from disgruntled customers. So, why did the iPhone 14 Plus end up being such a let down?

For starters, the device was plagued by battery life issues, which are critical for any mobile device. The battery was simply not up to the standards Apple is known for, draining rapidly and regular powering down in the middle of important tasks.

The next issue was the camera, which was far from a flagship-level experience. The low-light performance was poor, and it was unable to keep up with most of the higher-end handsets from other manufacturers.

The software, too, was slow and buggy, making it difficult and frustrating to use the device. Apps crashed frequently and there were numerous reports of lagging and freezing.

The final nail in the coffin may have been the price tag. At nearly $1400, the phone was simply too pricey for any but the richest and most dedicated Apple fans to consider.

It’s clear that the iPhone 14 Plus was a disaster for Apple, and now we want to hear what you think. Did you buy the phone? Did it meet your expectations? And, ultimately, why did it fail? We want to know, so join the discussion by participating in our poll below.

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